Yep, the year in the title is right. Before I got employed last year, I’ve been playing Apple Arcade games. I’d like to talk about three specific games that stuck with me until this day. I thought of finally writing about it because I discovered that there are new exciting releases that I’d like to start playing soon!
The common denominators about these games are interesting narrative, great graphics & sound design, and can be finished in one sitting.
This is the most challenging out of them all. I had to watch walkthrough videos to get through some parts (I’m sorry, I’m not a legit gamer 😂). Made by an indie studio, Inmost’s genre is Metroidvania. The pixel art and amazing sound design perfectly captured its depressing story that gets dark and scary.
The Mosaic

I played The Mosaic while I was unemployed and it kind of gave me a silver lining, thinking at least I’m not stuffing myself in crowded trains to get to work. This game is trippy AF and felt like a Black Mirror episode. If you’re having an existential crisis right now and if you feel like you’re not getting anywhere, you might want to sit this one out.

Mutazione has my favorite art style among them just because it’s bright and fun, unlike the other two. Its story has plot twists à la soap opera. Some characters are mutants. If you’re a plantita or just a geek who wants to learn a few things about botany, you will surely enjoy this! It also has its own original game soundtrack that will surely be my next productivity playlist.
Other Apple Arcade games that I can recommend are Mini Motorways (puzzle/strategy), a counterpart of Mini Metro which is also a favorite, Assemble with Care (narrative/puzzle), and tint. (puzzle/strategy).
Apple Arcade is a subscription that costs Php249/month which you can share among your friends and family (I’m just riding with Kix’s subscription 😂). However, most of the games mentioned here are available on other platforms. Let me know if you’ll check them out!